Peer-reviewed academic journal

ISSN 2542-1158
Chief Editor
Natalia P. Koptzeva

About the journal
Severnye Arkhivy i Ekspeditsii (Northern Archives and Expeditions) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. All articles presented in the journal are subject to double-blind review. A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication is based solely with the editors of the journal.
Languages: Russian, English.
The journal is published every quarter (four times a year). Each issue contains original research articles, reviews and unique archival materials. Priority is given to scientific articles based on the results of field studies and archival investigations in the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East.
The purpose of the journal: contributing to the development of high-quality studies of the North, Siberia and the Far East, attracting talented Russian and foreign scientists to take part in such studies.
Our audience
The journal is oriented to an academic audience, a university community and scientists interested in the discussion of a wide range of questions (historical, anthropological, political, economic, culturological, linguistic, etc.) associated with the historical past and the present condition of the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East.
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
Certificate ПИ № ФС 77-67460 dated October 18, 2016
Number of copies printed: 100
Free-of-control price
The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications. We encourage researchers to submit manuscripts, which reflect the main scientific results of dissertations for a degree of Candidate of Science, for a degree of Doctor of Science (list of the Higher Attestation Commission). № 1890 dated 10.15.2019.
The Journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission for the following scientific specialties:
From 10.15.2019
24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture (cultural studies),
From 01.02.2022
5.6.1 – Domestic history (historical sciences),
5.6.4 – Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography (historical sciences),
5.6.5 – Historiography, source study and methods of historical research (historical sciences),
5.7.8 – Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences).
5.10.2 – Museology, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects (cultural studies).
We welcome submissions in accordance with these scientific specialties.
the journal is included in the catalogs

Current Issue
Publication ethics
The Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Northern Archives and Expeditions" undertake to comply with the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and to take into account the experience of authoritative international journals and publishers.
The Editorial Board of the journal "Northern Archives and Expeditions" (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) makes every effort to comply with the ethical standards accepted by the international scientific community.
Evaluation of articles
All articles undergo a double-blind review process and must meet academic quality standards. If approved by the editor, submissions will be reviewed by reviewers whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.
The journal team may seek advice beyond standard peer review, such as on ethics-related materials. We may consult the peer reviewers before deciding on appropriate action, including evaluation by additional editors and refusal to consider the submission further.
Originality and plagiarism
Ethical standards for publications are needed to ensure the high quality of scholarly publications, the credibility of scholarly research on the part of the public.
It is necessary to avoid:
Data fabrication and falsification: data fabrication means that the researcher did not do any work and made up the data. Data fabrication means the researcher did the experiment, but then changed some of the data. Both of these actions undermine people's confidence in scientists.
Plagiarism: Using someone else's ideas and work without giving them credit is dishonest and unfair. Copying at least one sentence from another's manuscript or even your own from a previously published manuscript without a citation is considered plagiarism - convey the meaning in your own words. Articles with more than 85% originality in the Anti-Plagiarism system will be accepted for consideration. All citations used must have correct references.
Submitting to multiple journals: It is unethical to submit one manuscript to more than one journal at a time. Such actions are time-consuming for editors and reviewers and can damage the reputation of journals if a manuscript is published in more than one scholarly publication.
Manuscripts found to be plagiarized by other authors will be rejected. Any published articles may need to be corrected or reviewed.
Duplicate Publications: means publishing similar manuscripts based on the same experiment. This will result in readers not paying attention to your manuscripts.
Misattribution: All authors cited must have made significant scientific contributions to the study. Be sure to identify everyone who made significant scientific contributions, including students and lab assistants.
Duties of the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board and other editorial management bodies
The Editorial Board organizes the evaluation of the manuscript, ensures proper confidentiality of the materials submitted to the Journal, identifies conflicts of interest and resolves arising ethical conflicts.
When receiving materials (manuscripts), the Editorial Board controls the compliance of the authors with the rules of manuscript submission, including the presence of the abstract, keywords, bibliography list.
The Editorial Board evaluates the manuscript for compliance with the journal's subject matter and appoints two reviewers with sufficient qualifications to assess the quality of the submitted materials. When appointing reviewers, the editorial board proceeds from the need to ensure the absence of a conflict of interest and the integrity of the review.
The Editorial Board organizes the examination of the submitted manuscript according to the principle of double-blind reviewing. The reviewers are free to make motivated critical comments on the level and clarity of the presented material, its compliance with the journal profile, novelty and credibility of the results. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for the final decision on the publication of the article.
The decision on the publication is made by the editorial board in accordance with the journal's policy, taking into account the current legislation in the field of copyright. Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their scientific content, without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship and political views of the authors.
The editor, members of the editorial board and all editorial staff are not allowed to disclose information about submitted works to anyone except the respective authors, reviewers and the editor-in-chief.
The editor, members of the editorial board and editorial staff have no right to use unpublished materials used in the submitted manuscript in their own research without the written consent of the author.
If an ethical complaint is filed concerning a submitted manuscript or a published article, the editorial board takes reasonable retaliatory measures. Every report of unethical behavior is considered, even if it comes years after the publication of the article. If the complaint is upheld, appropriate corrections, retractions or apologies are published.
Responsibilities of authors
Authors submit a paper that represents the results of their own original research. All authors whose names appear in the submission are expected to have made significant contributions to the work and are collectively responsible for the results.
If the manuscript is co-authored, it is expected that consent to submit the manuscript has been explicitly obtained from all co-authors at the initial submission stage. If correspondence regarding the manuscript is conducted by one co-author on behalf of all others, that person is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors receive all information about their work.
The journal expects that the manuscript has been prepared for the specific academic audience of that journal and has not been sent to other journals for simultaneous review. Nevertheless, we recognize that authors have the right to submit their manuscripts elsewhere at the same time - however, if this has been done, we urge authors to inform the Editorial Board. If an author's manuscript has been approved for publication by any of the journals to which it has been submitted, the author must immediately withdraw the manuscript from all other journals. If an author neglects this requirement, their manuscript may be rejected by the journal at any stage. Although our journal may accept for review a manuscript that was simultaneously submitted to another journal, it will not publish or even approve for publication such a manuscript.
Authors may not submit manuscripts that have been previously published, in whole or in part; manuscripts that represent the same results of the same study that have already led to a similar publication for consideration. The journal expects that authors may consider their manuscripts as a potential part of their future books or monographs, but not vice versa.
If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her published work, he or she must immediately notify the editor or manager of the journal and assist them in correcting or correcting the error. If the editor or manager learns from a third party that a published work contains material errors, the author is notified, and the author is required to immediately remove or correct the errors or provide the editorial board with evidence that the original article is correct.
Authors have the right to withdraw their manuscript at any time while it is under review.
Duties of reviewers
The main task of the reviewer is an objective and rapid assessment of the compliance of materials (manuscripts) with the journal topics, scientific novelty and the level of the results presented in the manuscript, the quality of materials preparation and formulation of recommendations on the publication of materials, their revision or rejection with an appropriate level of confidentiality, following generally accepted standards of objectivity ensuring non-disclosure of information and timely reporting of conflicts of interest.
The reviewer makes a significant contribution to the activities of a scientific journal. His/her expertise helps the editor in making editorial decisions and through the cooperation of the editor and the author can help the author to improve his/her work.
Reviewers must identify relevant published work in the peer-reviewed material that has not been properly cited or referenced by the authors. The reviewer must also draw the editor's attention to substantial or partial similarities with any other work with which the reviewer is directly familiar.
Unpublished material used in the submitted manuscript should not be used in the reviewer's own research without the written consent of the author. Closed information or ideas obtained during the review must remain confidential and not be used for personal gain.
Koptseva Natalia Petrovna, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Director of the Krasnoyarsk Branch of the Russian Scientific-Educational Culturological Society, Head of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Social Organization "Commonwealth of Educators of Krasnoyarsk Krai"
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Baksht Dmitry Alekseevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of National History of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva
Mandryka Pavel Vladimirovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Archeology, Ethnography and History of Siberia of Siberian Federal University
Editorial Board Members
Alekseeva Irina Sergeevna, Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation of Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen
Astakhov Oleg Yurievich, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Head. Department of Cultural Studies, Department of Siberian Federal University
Philosophy and Art History of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.
Batashev Mikhail Semenovich, Senior Researcher of the Archeology and Ethnography Department of the Krasnoyarsk Local Lore Museum
Gavrilov Igor Kondratievich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Natural Science Department of the Krasnoyarsk Local Lore Museum
Gergilev Denis Nikolaevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Deputy Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Grigorova Darina, PhD, Professor of the Faculty of History of Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsky (Bulgaria)
Datsyshen Vladimir Grigorievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the General History Department of Siberian Federal University
Dvoretskaya Anna Pavlovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the History of Russia Department of Siberian Federal University
Dyatlov Viktor Innokentievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the World History and International Relations Department of Irkutsk State University
Karlova Olga Anatolievna, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Public Relations and Socio-Cultural Activity Department of Siberian Federal University
Kirko Vladimir Igorevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Department of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev
Kistova Anastasia Viktorovna, Candidate of Philosophy, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Research of the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Art named after V. I. Surikov
Krivonogov Viktor Pavlovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the General History
Leshchinskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art Studies of Siberian Federal University
Luzan Vladimir Sergeevich, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art History of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky.
Makarov Nikolay Polikarpovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Archeology and Ethnography Department of the Krasnoyarsk Local Lore Museum
Morozova Olga Fedorovna, Doctor of cultural studies, Professor of the Department of Advertising and Social and Cultural Activities of Siberian Federal University
Moskalyuk Marina Valentinovna, Doctor of Arts, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art History of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky.
Myglan Vladimir Stanislavovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Natural Science Methods in Archeology and History of Siberian Federal University
Parfentyev Nikolay Pavlovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Head of the Art History and Culturology Department of South Ural State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Parfentyeva NatalIa Vladimirovna, Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Art History and Culturology Department of South Ural State University, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
Petin Dmitry Igorevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the National History Department of Omsk State Technical University, Chief Archivist of the Center of the History of the Civil War of the Historical Archive of Omsk Oblast
Petrov Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Altai Languages, Folklore and Literature of Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen
Razumovskaya Veronika Adolfovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Business Foreign Language Department of Siberian Federal University
Severianov Mikhail Dmitrievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the History of Russia Department of Siberian Federal University
Tareva Elena Genrikhovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Moscow Pedagogical University
Fujishiro Setsu, PhD, Professor of the Department of Humanities of University of the Kobe City College of Nursing (Japan)
Hervilla Enrique F. Quero, PhD, Professor of the Department of Slavic Philology, University of Granada, President of the Spanish Association of Professionals of the Russian Language and Culture (AEPRU), Director of the Center for Russian Language of the University of Granada (Spain)
Schmalts Mark Evgenievich - PhD, Researcher at the Institute of General Linguistics and Language Typology of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)
Journal Manager
Sertakova Ekaterina Anatolievna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art Studies of Siberian Federal University
Design and layout by Kardashova Maria Rafailievna
Founder: Limited Liability Company "Multifunctional Center for Applied Qualifications of the City of Krasnoyarsk", non-governmental and independent organization organization.
Editorial Office of the scientific and practical journal
Severnye Arkhivy i Ekspeditsii
89 Ady Lebedevoy St., Krasnoyarsk, 660049
Publisher and Distributor
Limited Liability Company "Multifunctional Center for Applied Qualifications of the City of Krasnoyarsk", non-governmental and independent organization organization.
89 Ady Lebedevoy St., Krasnoyarsk, 660049
The editors of the journal «North Archives and Expeditions» founded in 2017 invite the authors who are interested in the wide range of historical, anthropological, political, economic, cultural, linguistic and others issues related to the historical past and the present day of the regions in the North, Siberia and the Far East.
The journal provides an interdisciplinary platform to share knowledge and expertise between representatives of the fundamental and applied sciences, socio-cultural field, and education.
The contributions of both recognized scholars, practitioners and postgraduate students, lecturers are welcomed.
The journal accepts articles describing original theoretical and empirical research results, reviews, unique archival documents. Article should deal with the current issues and lead to new perspectives. Each study has to have a problem statement and the description of both an approach and research methods. Papers should cover findings and conclusions, have a practical value of target audience, and meet the technical requirements.
Manuscripts are accepted year-round and published first come. Publication time depends on the number of submissions. Papers are expected to be published within 3 months. All submitted materials undergo a double-blind peer review. The editorial board has the right to reject manuscripts in case publication ethics are broken by the author.
The ethical principles of the journal are available at the following link.
Papers are published at no cost to the author. Each author receives a copy of their paper.
Manuscripts should be submitted via an e-mail attachment to the journal manager Ekaterina Sertakova (NAE_ journal@mail.ru or sertachok@mail.ru). Please make note «For the Journal North Archives and Expeditions» in the theme of the email.
Paper's Guidelines for publication in the North Archives and Expeditions
The electronic version of the article is prepared in Microsoft Word. The text of the article is placed on an A4 page in Times New Roman font, 12 points in size, with a line spacing of 1.5. Portrait orientation with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides and obligatory page numbering.
Sent to the editor in two separate files:
1) title page, article text (including references)
2) list of references for the RSCI
File names begin with the author's surname followed by Cyrillic initials followed by the note "article"/"references".
Title page requirements
The title page states:
Title of the article in Russian
Surnames, names, patronymics (in full) of each author, in Russian.
Full name of all organizations, which include authors in Russian, position, city and country, ORCID ID, e-mail.
Abstract in Russian. The abstract is a brief, but at the same time the most informative content of a scientific publication. The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words. It summarizes the background and objectives of the study, the main methods, including the type of study, sampling and main analytical methods, the main results with their numerical expression and levels of statistical significance, and the main conclusions. New and important aspects of the study are noted.
Keywords in Russian - 3-6 keywords
Scientific specialty VAK: code and title. Select and write the specialty of the HAC from the list of our magazine. See above.
Further: information from points 2-6 in English in the same sequence.
Requirements for the text of the article:
The article must be structured. Suggested article structure:
Statement of the problem, purpose of the article, review of scientific literature on the problem
Methodology (materials and methods)
Research results, discussion
· Conclusion (conclusions in accordance with the purpose of the article, author's contribution).
The recommended length of the text of the article is from 20,000 to 40,000 characters (with spaces).
An obligatory element of the text of the article is "References"/References.
Lists of references (References) are presented in two formats:
1) in the original language of the sources (for English-language publications) and in transliteration in Latin letters with the translation of publication sources into English (for non-English-language sources), while translations into English should be in square brackets. On the site http://www.translit.ru/ you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin (BSI version) for free.
The general principle of designing the name is transliteration [translation into English].
2) Additionally (in a separate file), the same list of sources is compiled for further publication in the RSCI: Russian-language sources are written in Cyrillic, and English-language sources are written in Latin.
An example of the design of the list of references (References):
Registration of Russian-language sources:
a) an example for a book:
Creation of works of children's literature in the native languages of the indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia]: Elektronnoye izdaniye / N. P. Koptseva, A. Ye. Amosov, A. V. Kistova [i dr.]. – Krasnoyarsk : Krasnoyarskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy university im. V.P. Astaf'yeva, 2018. - 378 s. – ISBN 978-5-00102-203-9. – EDN YUZMVK.
b) an example for a journal article:
Smolina, M. G. Unesti s soboy rodnoye: k 135th anniversary of Marka Shagala [To take home with you: to the 135th anniversary of Marc Chagall]. G. Smolina // Sibirskiy iskusstvovedcheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Art History]. - 2022. - T. 1. - No. 3. - S. 28-37. – DOI 10.31804/2782-4926-2022-1-3-28-37. – EDN POMAF.[in Russian].
design of the English source:
Smolina, M. G. Pogo Pectoral in the Context of Ethnocultural Identification of Khakass People / M. G. Smolina, V. S. Saymova // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. - 2011. - Vol. 4. - No. 12. - P. 1684-1697. – EDN OKHXGJ.
Zenker, S. Post-COVID-19 urban tourism research / S. Zenker // A Research Agenda for Urban Tourism, 2022. – P. 281-293. – EDN XYJHQE.
The Russian Urban Sustainability Puzzle: How Can Russian Cities be Green? / P. O. Ermolaeva, Yu. V. Ermolaeva, O. A. Basheva [et al.]. - Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021. - 152 p. – ISBN 978-1-83982-631-3. – EDN OFUMEO
The link to the Internet resource is formed as follows:
Nasvanie saita (2021) [english translate]. Available at: http://www.nasvaniesait.ru (accessed 5 February 2021).
(where instead of Nasvanie saita and the year, write your data in Latin, and instead of english translate - the translation of the name).
References (RSCI)
Voskoboynikov, M.G. Who gave the Evenks the sun / M.G. Voskoboynikov. Irkutsk: East Siberian Publishing House, 1973. - 248 p.
Watson, N. Justice in whose eyes? Why lawyers should read black Australian literature/N.Watson// Griffith Law Review, 2014. - 23(1). – P. 44-60.
Zamaraeva, Yu.S. Global transformations experienced by the indigenous peoples of the North / Yu.S. Zamaraeva // Modern problems of science and education, 2015. - No. 1. - S. 1882.
(i.e. in this list, Russian-language texts are in Russian, and foreign-language texts are in their own language).
In the text of the article, to link to the source, you must use parentheses and the transliterated surname of the author, the year of publication of the source.
An example of using inline links to a source in the text of an article:
In the works of researchers N. A. Nepomnyashchih (Nepomnjashhih, 2014), E. T. Chamzyryn (Chamzyryn, 2010), A. L. Kosheleva (Kosheleva, 2010), Yu. and mythological origins of Siberian fiction in specific works. It is rather difficult to draw a line between a fairy tale, in particular a fairy tale, and an epic (Voskobojnnikov, 1973: 13).
Illustrative material
· It is sent to the editorial office, if necessary, together with the article in separate files with the .jpg extension.
· Includes a description of a figure, table, graph, diagram, etc., as well as an indication of where in the text of the article this material should be placed.
· In the text of the article, references are made to the figure in parentheses (Fig. 1). The illustration itself is signed Fig. 1. Name.
Tables are included in the text of the article, have a title, numbering. The text of the article should contain a link to the table.
Editorial office:
89 Ady Lebedevoj St
Krasnoyarsk 660049
Phone: 89504335960 (Ekaterina Sertakova)
Email: NAE_journal@mail.ru
Publisher and distribution address:
89 Ady Lebedevoj St
Krasnoyarsk 660049
«MCPK Krasnoyarsk OOO» (Non-governmental organization)
Phone: 89504335960
E-mail: mcpk_krasnoyarsk@mail.ru