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"Северные Архивы и Экспедиции "

2017 06 №2

1.   Судьба северных церковных архивов Енисейской губернии в 1920-1921 гг

Бобрик Илья Евгеньевич,

Вдовин Александр Сергеевич

Красноярский государственный педагогический университет им. В.П. Астафьева

Макаров Николай Поликарпович

Красноярский краевой краеведческий музей



В публикации рассматривается судьба церковных архивов Красноярского Севера в первые годы советской власти. Преследуемая большевиками церковь оказалась неугодной, как и все богатейшее наследие хранящееся в ее архивах. В  этот переломный период  Географическое общество, Красноярский и Енисейский музеи, ряд других организаций стали организаторами спасения собраний Троицкого Туруханского и Енисейского Спасского монастырей, Красноярской духовной консистории и других церковных архивов.  

Ключевые слова: Церковные архивы, Север, Сибирь, Красноярский край, 20-е гг. ХХ в.

The Destiny of the Northern Church Archives of the Yenisei Province in 1920-1921.


Bobrik Ilya Evgenevich,

Vdovin Alexander Sergeevich

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev

Makarov Nikolai Polikarpovich

Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore


This publication considers the destiny of the church archives of the Krasnoyarsk North in the first years of the Soviet power. The church persecuted by the Bolsheviks was disliked in the same way as the whole rich heritage retained in its archives. During this critical period the Geographical Society, the Krasnoyarsky and Yeniseisky Museums and some other organizations became the initiators of rescue of the collections of the Troitsky, Turukhansky and Yeniseisky Spassky Monasteries, the Krasnoyarsky Spiritual Consistory and other church archives. 

Key words: Church archives, North, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, the 20s of the 20th century.



Auehrbah, N.K. Arhiv Turuhanskogo monastyrya [Archive of the Turukhansk Monastery]. In  Sibirskie      ogni         [Siberian lights], 4, 1927, p. 213. [in Russian]

Auehrbah, N.K. Dnevnik 1920 g. [The Diary of 1920]. In Arhiv sem'i Auehrbah [Family archive Auerbach],  b/n.     [in Russian]

Auehrbah, N.K. Dnevnik 1921 g. [The Diary of 1921]. In Arhiv sem'i Auehrbah [Family archive Auerbach],  b/n.     [in Russian]

Gulyaeva, N.P., Vdovin, A.S. Nikolaj Konstantinovich Auehrbah i sud'ba odnogo arhiva [Nikolai          Konstantinovich Auerbach and the fate of one archive]. In Enisejskaya provinciya [Yenisei Province], 2.    Krasnoyarsk: RIO KGPU, 2006, pp. 38-43. [in Russian]

Dekrety Sovetskoj vlasti [Decrees of the Soviet Government], I. Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. literatury, 1957,  pp. 373-374. [in Russian]

Dekrety Sovetskoj vlasti [Decrees of the Soviet Government], II. Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. literatury, 1959,  p. 383. [in Russian]

Ovchinnikov, V.A. Iz"yatie monastyrskih i cerkovnyh arhivov v period centralizacii arhivnogo dela Sibiri  [The confiscation of monastic and ecclesiastical archives during the period of centralization of the  archive business of Siberia]. In Otechestvennye arhivy [Native archives], 4, 2010, pp.10-14. [in Russian]

Sobranie uzakonenij i rasporyazhenij pravitel'stva za 1917–1918 gg. Upravlenie delami Sovnarkoma SSSR  [Collection of legal acts and orders of the government for 1917-1918. Department of Affairs of the Council  of People's Commissars of the USSR], Moscow, 1942, p. 849. [in Russian]

 Yavorskij, A.L. Dvadcat' let na Enisee. Ob Arkadii Yakovleviche Tugarinove [Twenty years on the Yenisei.  About Arkady Yakovlevich Tugarinov]. In Sbornik nauchnyh statej: Krasnoyarskij kraevoj  kraevedcheskij  muzej [Collection of scientific articles: Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore],  2011, p. 286. [in  Russian]

Yavorskij, A.L., Makarov, N.P. Dvadcat' let vo glave muzeya [Twenty years at the head of the museum]. In  Vek podvizhnichestva [Age of asceticism]. Krasnoyarsk, 1989, p. 24-42. [in Russian]

GANO. F. 1053. Op.1. D.739. L.2-3 ob. [in Russian]

GAKK. F. R-1303. Op. 1. D. 83. L.19–19ob., 27–27 ob. [in Russian]

NA KKKM. Op.1. D. 372. L. 4-4 ob. [in Russian]

GAKK. F. 1380. Op.1. D,.13. L. 8. [in Russian]

GAKK. F. R-1380. Op.1. D. 188. L .1-2. [in Russian]



2.  Богучанская археологическая экспедиция ИАЭТ СО РАН:

краткий исторический очерк


Коровушкин Дмитрий Георгиевич

Научно-исследовательский фонд «Наследие Сибири», г. Новосибирск



Статья посвящена истории Богучанской археологической экспедиции ИАЭТ СО РАН, работавшей на территории Иркутской области и Красноярского края в границах зоны затопления водохранилища Богучанской ГЭС в бассейне р. Ангары в 2007-2012 годах. В основу положены документы и личные впечатления автора, часть из которых выражена в фотографиях его личного фотоархива. Обозреваются события, разворачивающиеся вокруг вопроса спасения археологического наследия реки Ангары – главного пути многовековых миграций человека на протяжении как минимум 40 тысяч лет. Кратко описаны вопросы организации этой самой масштабной на тот момент в истории России археологической экспедиции. Обозначены предварительные научные результаты. Представлены главные действующие лица проекта, показано его значение для развития сибирской археологической науки.

Ключевые слова: Азиатская Россия, Сибирь, Приангарье, историко-культурное наследие, археология, этнография, археологические памятники, археологические экспедиции.


The Boguchanskaya Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archeology

and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Short Historical Sketch


Korovushkin Dmitry Georgievich,

Scientific Fund «Heritage of Siberia», Novosibirsk


Article is devoted to history of the Boguchanskaya archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAET SB RAS) in 2007-2012 working at the territory of the Irkutsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Krai in borders of a zone of flooding of a reservoir of Boguchanskaya Hydropower Plant on the Angara River in Middle Siberia.

It is the huge territory with the extent of the river riverbed of Angara in 375 km (from the Ust-Ilimsk Dum to the Boguchany Dum, the area of the reservoir more than 2300 square kilometers). The river Angara – the main way of centuries-old migrations various groups of people for at least 40 thousand years which left a huge number of archaeological evidence of the presence on this earth. The marks on the Angara River were left also by the ethnographic people – the Evenks (Tungus – the autochthonic people) who left this zone before arrival on this earth of Russians and the Russians who since the 17th century were actively using this the river as a trade way from the west to the east as the place of hunting and fishing trade, for livestock production and arable farming.

Documents and personal impressions of the author, a part of which is presented in photos from his personal photo archive, are the basis. The events which are developed around a question of rescue of archaeological heritage of the Angara River are surveyed. Questions of the organization of this most large-scale at that time in the history of Russia of an archaeological expedition are briefly described. Preliminary scientific results are designated. The main characters of the project are presented, its value for development of archaeological science and cultural studies is shown.

Key words: Asian Russia, Siberia, Angara region, historical and cultural heritage, archeology, ethnography, archaeological excavation, archaeological expedition.



Proekt BE'MO [BEMO project]. Available at: (accessed 7  February 2017) [in Russian]

Boguchanskoe e'nergometallurgicheskoe ob"edinenie (BE'MO) [Boguchansky power metallurgical  association (BEMO)]. Available at: ttp:// (accessed 7 February  2017) [in Russian]

Federal'nyj zakon ot 25 iyunya 2002 g. № 73-FZ "Ob ob"ektax kul'turnogo naslediya (pamyatnikax istorii i  kul'tury) narodov Rossijskoj Federacii" [The federal law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "About objects of  cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation"]. "The  Russian newspaper" of June 29, 2002, No. 116-117 (2985-2985). [in Russian]

Lbova L.V., Berezin D.Yu., Korovushkin D.G., Leont'ev V.P., Noxrina T.I., Postnov A.V., Privalixin V.I.,  Slavinskij V.S., Borisov M.A., Labeckij V.P., Makulov V.I., Subbotina A.L. Nauchno-texnicheskij otchet o  vypolnennyx rabotax po 1-mu periodu vypolneniya rabot po dogovoru № 27/09/07/IAE'T. Proekt  «Vodoxranilishhe Boguchanskoj GE'S», razdel proekta «Obespechenie soxrannosti ob"ektov  arxeologicheskogo naslediya, raspolozhennyx v granicax zatopleniya lozha vodoxranilishha  Boguchanskoj GE'S na r. Angara». [The scientific and technical report on the performed works on the 1st  period of performance of work on the contract No. 27/09/07/IAET. Reservoir of Boguchansky  Hydroelectric Power Station project, section of the "Ensuring Safety of the Objects of Archaeological  Heritage Located in Borders of Flooding of a Bed of a Reservoir of Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant  (BOGES) on the Angara River" project]. Novosibirsk, 2007. 468 pages. [in Russian]

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Zayavlenie Soveta Obshhestvennoj palaty RF v svyazi v grubym narusheniem rossijskogo  zakonodatel'stva pri stroitel'stve Boguchanskoj GE'S. 16 yanvarya 2008 g. [The statement of Council of the  Civic chamber of the Russian Federation in communication in gross violation of the Russian legislation at  construction of Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant]. [in Russian] Available at: (accessed 7 February 2017).

Putin poruchil perenesti nefteprovod ot Bajkala [Putin charged to transfer the oil pipeline from Baikal].  April 26, 2006. [in Russian] Available at:  (accessed 7 February 2017)

Prezident pognul nefteprovod. Vladimir Putin rasporyadilsya provesti VSTO v obxod Bajkala [The  President bent the oil pipeline. Vladimir Putin disposed to carry out by ESPO bypassing Baikal] (In Russ.).  April 26, 2006. Available at: (accessed 7 February  2017)

Perenos trassy truboprovoda VSTO k severu ot ozera Bajkal potrebuet dopolnitel'nyx rasxodov v $1 mlrd.  [Transfer of the route of the pipeline of ESPO to the North from Lake Baikal will demand additional  expenses in 1 billion of $] [in Russian] 26.10.2006. Available at: (accessed 7 February 2017).

Protokol Koordinacionnogo soveshhaniya po problemam soxraneniya ob"ektov arxeologicheskogo  naslediya v zone zatopleniya lozha vodoxranilishha Boguchanskoj GE'S. 07 fevralya 2008, g. Krasnoyarsk,  predsedatel' N.I. Drozdov [The protocol of the Coordination meeting on problems of preservation of  objects of archaeological heritage in a zone of flooding of a bed of a reservoir of Boguchansky  Hydroelectric Plant. On February 07, 2008, Krasnoyarsk, chairman N. I. Drozdov]. 8 pages. [in Russian]

Sajt IAE'T SO RAN [Website of IAET Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science]:

Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 40 ot 03.11.2007 o sozdanii postoyanno dejstvuyushhej Boguchanskoj  arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii s 27.09.2007 [The order on No. 40 IAET Siberian Branch of the Russian  Academy of Science of 03.11.2007 about creation of a permanent Boguchansky archaeological expedition  from 27.09.2007]. 2 pages. [in Russian]

Zenin A.N. Otchet ob arxeologicheskix razvedkax na territorii Kezhemskogo rajona krasnoyarskogo kraya  (v zone zatopleniya Boguchanskoj GE'S) v 2008 godu v 6-ti tomax [The report on archaeological  investigations in the territory of Kezhemsky district of Krasnoyarsk Krai (in a zone of flooding of  Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant) in 2008 in 6 volumes]. Novosibirsk, 2009. 1111 pages (In Russ.)

Korovushkin D.G., Postnov A.V., Slavinskij V.S., Subbotina A.L., Grishin A.E., Garkusha Yu.V., Vybornov  A.V., Korovushkin I.D., Markovskij G.I., Basova N.V. Nauchno-texnicheskij otchet po itogam vypolneniya  rabot po dogovoru 27/09/07/IAE'T «Proekt «Vodoxranilishhe Boguchanskoj GE'S» materialy k razdelu  Proekta «Obespechenie soxrannosti ob"ektov arxeologicheskogo naslediya, raspolozhennyx v granicax  zatopleniya lozha vodoxranilishha» [The scientific and technical report following the results of  performance of work on the contract 27/09/07/IAET "the Reservoir of Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant  Project materials to the section of the "Ensuring Safety of the Objects of Archaeological Heritage Located  in Borders of Flooding of a Bed of a Reservoir" Project]. Novosibirsk, 2008. In 3 parts. 989 pages [in  Russian]

Protokol rasshirennogo zasedaniya rabochej gruppy Koordinacionnogo soveta po arxeologicheskomu  obsledovaniyu i organizacii oxranno-spasatel'nyx arxeologicheskix rabot na territorii zony zatopleniya  lozha vodoxranilishha Boguchanskoj GE'S. 26 avgusta 2008 goda, g. Novosibirsk [The protocol of enlarged  meeting of the working group of Coordination council on archaeological inspection and the organization  of security and saving archaeological works in the territory of a zone of flooding of a bed of a reservoir of  Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant. On August 26, 2008, Novosibirsk]. 3 pages [in Russian]

 Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 33-E' ot 29.08.2008 o raspredelenii funkcional'nyx obyazannostej  rukovodyashhego sostava Boguchanskoj arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii [The order on IAET Siberian Branch  of the Russian Academy of Science No. 33-E of 29.08.2008 about distribution of functional duties of  administrative board of the Boguchansky archaeological expedition]. 2 pages [in Russian]

Korovushkin D.G., Postnov A.V., Slavinskij V.S., Subbotina A.L., Grishin A.E., Vybornov A.V., Korovushkin  I.D., Savin A.N., Markovskij G.I., Basova N.V., Marchenko Zh.V., Garkusha Yu.V. Nauchno-texnicheskij  otchyot po vypolneniyu rabot 8-go e'tapa po dogovoru № 27/09/07 «Vodoxranilishhe Boguchanskoj GE'S»  materialy k razdelu proekta - «Obespechenie soxrannosti ob"ektov arxeologicheskogo naslediya,  raspolozhennyx v granicax zatopleniya lozha vodoxranilishha Boguchanskoj GE'S na r. Angara» v 32-x  tomax. [The scientific and technical report on performance of work of the 8th stage on the contract No.  27/09/07 "the Reservoir of Boguchansky hydroelectric power station" materials to the section of the  project - "Ensuring safety of the objects of archaeological heritage located in borders of flooding of a bed  of a reservoir of Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant on the Angara River" in 32 volumes]. Novosibirsk,  2008. 5026 pages [in Russian]

Korovushkin D.G., Postnov A.V., Koloncov S.V., Slavinskij V.S., Vybornov A.V., Savin A.N., Markovskij G.I.,  Korovushkin I.D., BorisovM.A.. Rybin E.P., Grishin A.E., Subbotina A.L.. Marchenko Zh.V., Kazakova E.A.,  Garkusha Yu.V. Nauchno-texnicheskij otchyot po dogovoru № 08/07/09 na vypolnenie nauchno-  issledovatel'skix i oxranno-spasatel'nyx rabot. Proekt «Spasatel'nye arxeologicheskie issledovaniya  (raskopki) i rekognoscirovochnye raskopki v zone zatopleniya BoGE'S v 2019 g.» v 2-x ch. [The scientific  and technical report on the contract No. 08/07/09 on performance research and security rescue efforts.  The "Saving Archaeological Researches (Excavation) and Reconnoitring Excavation in a Zone of Flooding  of BOGES in 2019." project in 2 volumes]. Novosibirsk, 2009. 372 pages [in Russian]

Rabochaya gruppa Koordinacionnogo soveta po arxeologicheskomu obsledovaniyu i organizacii oxranno-  spasatel'nyx arxeologicheskix rabot na territorii zony zatopleniya lozha vodoxranilishha Boguchanskoj  GE'S (sm. ssylku 11) [The working group of Coordination council on archaeological inspection and the  organization of security and saving archaeological works in the territory of a zone of flooding of a bed of  a reservoir of Boguchansky Hydroelectric Plant (see the reference 11)].

Korovushkin D.G., Postnov A.V., Koloncov S.V., Slavinskij V.S., Vybornov A.V., Savin A.N., Markovskij G.I.,  Korovushkin I.D., Borisov M.A.. Rybin E.P., Grishin A.E., Subbotina A.L.. Marchenko Zh.V., Kazakova E.A.,  Basova N.V., Kandyba A.V, Garkusha Yu.V., Cybankov A.A, Chexa A.M. Nauchno-texnicheskij otchyot po  dogovoru № 55/05-10 na vypolnenie nauchno-issledovatel'skix i oxranno-spasatel'nyx rabot. Proekt  «Spasatel'nye arxeologicheskie issledovaniya (raskopki) i rekognoscirovochnye raskopki v zone    zatopleniya BoGE'S v 2010 g.» v 8-mi tomax [Scientific and technical report on the contract No. 55/05-10  for performance research and security rescue efforts. The "Saving Archaeological Researches (  Excavation) and Reconnoitring Excavation in a Zone of Flooding of BOGES in 2010" Project in 8 volumes].  Novosibirsk, 2010. 1665 pages [in Russian]

Korovushkin D.G., Postnov A.V., Koloncov S.V., Slavinskij V.S., Vybornov A.V., Savin A.N., Markovskij G.I.,  Korovushkin I.D., Borisov M.A.. Rybin E.P., Grishin A.E., Subbotina A.L.. Marchenko Zh.V., Kazakova E.A.,  Basova N.V. Nauchno-texnicheskij otchyot po dogovoru № 64/04-11 na vypolnenie nauchno-  issledovatel'skix i oxranno-spasatel'nyx rabot. Proekt «Spasatel'nye arxeologicheskie issledovaniya  (raskopki) i rekognoscirovochnye raskopki v zone zatopleniya BoGE'S v 2011 g.» v 7-mi tomax [Scientific  and technical report on the contract No. 64/04-11 for performance research and security rescue efforts.


The "Saving Archaeological Researches (Excavation) and Reconnoitring Excavation in a Zone of Flooding  of BOGES in 2011" Project in 7 volumes]. Novosibirsk, 2011. 1547 pages [in Russian]

 Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 33-E' ot 29.08.2008 o raspredelenii funkcional'nyx obyazannostej  rukovodyashhego sostava Boguchanskoj arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii [The order on IAET Siberian Branch  of the Russian Academy of Science No. 33-E of 29.08.2008 about distribution of functional duties of  administrative board of the Boguchansky archaeological expedition]. 2 pages (In Russ.)

Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 30-E' ot 08.07.2009 o raspredelenii funkcional'nyx obyazannostej  rukovodyashhego sostava Boguchanskoj arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii [The Order on IAET Siberian  Branch of the Russian Academy of Science No. 30-E of 08.07.2009 about distribution of functional duties  of administrative board of the Boguchansky archaeological expedition]. 2 pages (In Russ.)

Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 2-E'/1 ot 12.05.2010 «O sozdanii Boguchanskoj arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii v  polevoj sezon 2010 g.» [The Order on No. 2-E/1 IAET Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science  of 12.05.2010 "About creation of the Boguchansky archaeological expedition to a field season of 2010"]. 3  pages (In Russ.)

Prikaz po IAE'T SO RAN № 51 ot 18.04.2011 «O sozdanii Boguchanskoj arxeologicheskoj e'kspedicii v  polevoj sezon 2011 g.» [The Order on No. 51 IAET Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science of  18.04.2011 "About creation of the Boguchansky archaeological expedition to a field season of 2011"]. 3  pages [in Russian]

Korovushkin D.G. Boguchanskaya arxeologicheskaya e'kspediciya: tryoxletnie itogi (2008-2010)  [Boguchanskaya archaeological expedition: three-year results (2008-2010)]. Problemy arxeologii,  e'tnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nyx territorij: materialy itogovoj sessii Instituta arxeologii i  e'tnografii SO RAN 2010 g. Problemy arkheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nykh territorii  [Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories].  Novosibirsk, 2010. Vol. XVI, pp.466-470. [in Russian]

Akimova E.V., Stasyuk I.V., Gorel'chenkova O.A., Kuksa E.N., Maxlaeva Yu.M., Motuzko A. N., Pazilov D.S.,  Tomilova E.A., Xarevich V.M. Novye dannye po paleolitu Ust'-Kovy (raboty 2011 g.) [New data on Ust-  Kova's paleolith (work of 2011)]. Problemy arkheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nykh  territorii [Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories].  Novosibirsk, 2011. Vol. XVII, pp. 354-358 [in Russian]

Amzarakov P.B., Kovaleva O.V. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty issledovaniya pamyatnikov Stoyanka Rozhkova  i Ostrov Sosnovyj v Kezhemskom rajone krasnoyarskogo kraya [Preliminary results of a research of  monuments the Parking Rozhkova and Ostrov Pine in Kezhemsky district of Krasnoyarsk Krai].

Problemy arkheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nykh territorii [Problems of Archaeology,  Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories]. Novosibirsk, 2010. Vol. XVI, pp. 483-  487 [in Russian]

Leont'ev V.P., Vdovin A.S. Predvaritel'nye itogi arxeologicheskix issledovanij stoyanki Ust'-Kova v  Severnom Priangar'e v 2010 godu [Preliminary results of archaeological researches of the parking of Ust-  Kov in the Northern Angara region in 2010]. Problemy arkheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i  sopredel'nykh territorii [Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and  Neighboring Territories]. Novosibirsk, 2010. Vol. XVI, pp. 534-537 [in Russian]

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3. К истории археологического изучения низовьев Ангары


Мандрыка Павел Владимирович,

Сибирский федеральный университет



В статье отражается история археологических открытий на берегах р. Ангары в ее нижнем течении, на участке от п. Орджоникидзе до п. Стрелка. Рассматривается период от первых академических экспедиций XVIII в. до современности, приводятся названия местностей расположения объектов археологии, имена ученых, путешественников, которые вносили и вносят вклад в копилку культурного наследия России. Отмеченное достояние открывает возможности для расширения научных изысканий на древних поселениях, могильниках, культовых комплексах и писаницах.

Ключевые слова: Нижнее Приангарье, история науки, экспедиции, архивы, археология.


For the History of the Archaeological Research on the Lower Reaches of the Angara River


Mandryka Pavel Vladimirovich,

Siberian Federal University



This article reflects the history of archaeological discoveries made on the coast of the Angara River, in its lower reach, within the area from the village of Ordzhonikidze to the village of Strelka. It considers the period from the first academic expeditions of the 18th century up to the present, states the names of the areas where archaeological objects are situated, the scientists and travelers who have made and make their contributions to the bank of the Russian cultural heritage. The specified patrimony opens door to extending the scientific research on ancient settlements, burial grounds, cult complexes and rocks with drawings.

Key words: Lower Angara area, history of science, expeditions, archives, archeology.


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4. Дискуссия о языке описания взаимодействия

мигрантов и принимающего сообщества в условиях постмодерна


Погодаев Николай Петрович,

Томский государственный университет



В дискуссии обсуждаются методологические подходы к исследованию интеграции мигрантов в современном мире. Анализируется проблема «методологического национализма», возможности использования концепций транснационализма, космополитизма, сверхмногообразия (Super-Diversity), глубокого разнообразия (Deep Diversity). Обсуждаются сущность постмодернистского консервативного поворота, кризиса модели национального государства, сравниваются условия миграции в Европе и на Ближнем Востоке.

Работа выполнена в рамках проекта «Человек в меняющемся мире. Проблемы идентичности и социальной адаптации в истории и современности». Ведущий учёный д.и.н., профессор Д.А. Функ (грант Правительства РФ П 220 № 14.В25.31.0009)

Ключевые слова: дискуссия, миграция, интеграция, методологический национализм, транснационализм, космополитизм, сверхмногообразие, консервативный поворот.



The Discussion about the Language of Description of the Interaction

between Migrants and the Receiving Community under the Postmodern Conditions


Pogodaev Nikolay Petrovich,

Tomsk State University


This article discusses the methodological approaches to the research on migrants' integration in the modern world. It analyzes the problem of "methodological nationalism", the possibilities of use of such concepts as transnationalism, cosmopolitism, super-diversity, deep diversity. The article also discusses the postmodern conservative turn and the crisis of the model of national state, compares migration conditions in Europe and the Middle East.

The work is made within the project "The Man in the Changing World". The problems of identity and social adaptation in the history and modern times". Leading Scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor D.A. Funk (grant П 220 № 14.В25.31.0009 of the Government of the Russian Federation)

Key words: discussion, migration, integration, methodological nationalism, transnationalism, cosmopolitism, super-diversity, conservative turn.


Filippova, E. Diskurs ob integratsii – konservativnyy anakhronizm epokhi transnatsionalizma [Discourse on  integration - conservative anachronism of the era of transnationalism]. In Transnatsional'nyye migratsii i  sovremennyye gosudarstva v usloviyakh ekonomicheskoy turbulentnosti [Transnational migrations and  modern states in conditions of economic turbulence]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 305-322. [in Russian]

5.  Языковая политика и целостность государства


Подъяпольский Сергей Александрович,

Юридическое  агентство «Антикризисный центр»



Статья посвящена проблеме обеспечения баланса общегосударственных и локальных начал в сфере языковой политики. Автор исследует правовое регулирование статуса государственных языков (в том числе их графической основы), порядка их  использования в различных областях государственной и общественной жизни, в том числе в деятельности органов власти и организаций всех форм собственности, в образовании и в судопроизводстве. Исследователь обращается к нормативным правовым актам Российской Федерации, международным договорам, а также законодательству ряда зарубежных государств. Этот подход позволил продемонстрировать поле напряженной, хотя отчасти и скрытой борьбы центробежных и центростремительных тенденций. В перспективе нашему государству предстоит столкнуться с новыми вызовами. Теоретико-методологической основой решения соответствующих проблем может стать концепция целостности государства как необходимого для его самосохранения и развития сочетания единства и многообразия его составных частей. Государственная поддержка русского языка требует выверенных, эффективных решений как на общегосударственном, так и на региональном уровне (исходя из специфики соответствующего субъекта Федерации). Стратегически важно сохранить кириллицу как графическую основу государственных языков Российской Федерации.

Ключевые слова: интеграция, родной язык, целостность государства, язык судопроизводства, языковая политика.


Language Policy and the Integrity of State

Podyapolskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich

Law firm “Crisis Management Group”


This article is about the problem of balance of country-wide and local interests in the area of language policy. The paper explains the regulation of status of state languages (which includes their alphabets – Latin, Cyrillic or others), the ways  of linguistic performance in different areas of state and public life, particularly  in the government work, in the activity of different organizations, in the education sector, in the court proceedings and so on. The author explores the legislation of Russian Federation, international treaties and legislations of some foreign  countries. By means of it the author demonstrates the area of language policy as the field of concurrence of centrifugal and centripetal trends. The contemporary states are facing new challenges in the matter of language policy. The theory of the integrity of state can be the theoretical and methodological base of state language policy. The integrity of state supposes the balance of unity and diversity of its elements. The state support of Russian language requires the effective decisions of federal and local authorities. The preservation of Cyrillic alphabets of Russian state languages should be the priority of state language policy.

Key words: integration, language of court proceeding, language policy, mother tongue, the integrity of state.


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