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Поездка военного министра

А. Н. Куропаткина  в Сибирский военный округ в 1899 г.

21/  В. В. ОВЧАРОВ
Роль Управления коменданта ст. Красноярск в военных событиях в Красноярске в яваре 1920 г.

26/  А. В. ГАНИН
Воспоминания генерала
М. А. Иностранцева как источник по истории Первой мировой

и Гражданской войн

32/  В. В. ЛОГИНОВ
Армия империи Хань и китайские походы на север

Рецензия: «“Белые офицеры – красная власть”: именной указатель к фондам Исторического архива Омской 
области (конец 1919 г. – 1920-е гг.)» – Омск,
«Амфора», 2017.



7/   R. S. AVILOV
The visit of War Minister Aleksey
N. Kuropatkin to the Siberian Military District in 1899.

21/   V. V. OVCHAROV
The role of the commandant of Krasnoyarsk Railway station in military events
in Krasnoyarsk

26/  A. V. GANIN
The Memories of General M. A. Inostrantsev as the historical source for the Russian Civil War and 
World War I Ganin Andrei Vladislavovich

32/  V. V. LOGINOV
Army of the Han Empire and Chinese campaigns to the north

ladimirovichReview of the publication
«“White officers – Red power”:
a Nominal Index to the Funds of the Historical Archive of the Omsk Region (late 1919-1920s)»


Рецензия: «“Белые офицеры – красная власть”:
именной указатель к фондам Исторического архива
Омской области (конец 1919 г. – 1920-е гг.)» –
Омск, «Амфора», 2017.


Алексеева Оксана Алексеевна1,
Журавлев Евгений Николаевич,
Сушко Алексей Владимирович

Государственный музей политической истории России,
Общество изучения истории отечественных спецслужб,
Омский государственный технический университет,
Омский автобронетанковый инженерный институт


Публикация представляет собой официальный отзыв коллектива рецензентов на научно-справочное
издание «“Белые офицеры – красная власть”: именной указатель к фондам Исторического архива Омской
области (конец 1919 г. – 1920-е гг.)». Составители данного уникального справочника, по мнению рецен-
зентов, внесли значительный вклад в изучение вопроса положения бывших белогвардейцев в советской
России и популяризацию военной истории. Благодаря рецензируемому изданию исследователям стано-
вится доступен огромный комплекс биографических документов о представителях бывшего офицерства
в РСФСР–СССР. Также рецензенты указывают на возможные пути дальнейшего информационного совер-
шенствования научно-справочного издания.

Ключевые слова: Гражданская война, белое движение, советская власть, Красная Армия, спецслуж-
бы, Омск, архивы, генеалогия, рецензии.

Review of the publication «“White officers –
Red power”: a Nominal Index to the Funds
of the Historical Archive of the Omsk Region
(late 1919‑1920s)»

Alexeyeva Oksana Alekseevna1,
Zhuravlev Evgeniy Nikolaevich,
Sushko Alexey Vladimirovich

The State Museum of Political History of Russia,
Society for Study of the History of Russian Special Services,
Omsk State Technical University,
Omsk Automobile Armored Engineering Institute

The publication is an official review of the review team for the scientific reference book «“White Officers –
Red Power”: a nominal index to the funds of the Historical Archives of the Omsk Region (late 1919‑1920s).». The
authors of this unique reference book, in the opinion of reviewers, made a significant contribution to the study of
the situation of former White Guards in Soviet Russia and the popularization of military history. Thanks to the peerreviewed
publication, a huge collection of biographical documents about representatives of the ex–officers in the
RSFSR–USSR becomes available to researchers. Also, reviewers point to possible ways of further improving the
scientific reference book.
Keywords: Civil War, white movement, Soviet power, the Red Army, special services, Omsk, archives,
genealogy, reviews.

1. Abinyakin R. M. Nastroyeniya byvshikh ofitserov na sluzhbe RKKA v 1920‑1930 gg. [Attitudes
of the former officers in the Red army in 1920-1930] // Uchenyye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta [Scientific notes of Orel State University], 2013, 4, pp. 47‑52. [In Russian].
2. Abinyakin R. M. «Vremennyye pravila ob ispol’zovanii byvshikh sukhoputnykh ofitserov iz chisla
voyennoplennykh i perebezhchikov belykh armiy» kak sluzhebno-pravovaya osnova ikh zachisleniya
v RKKA v 1920 [“Provisional rules on the use of former land officers from among captives and defectors
of the White armies” as a service and legal basis for their enrollment in the Red Army in 1920] //
Sovremennyye aspekty gumanitarnogo znaniya: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy zaochnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy
konferentsii [Modern aspects of humanitarian knowledge: Materials of the International
Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference]. Pod redaktsiyey O. V. Grigorenko. Voronezh,
2016, pp. 3-8. [In Russian].
3. Baksht D.A., Petin D. I. Kazus Shulima Rozentsveyga (1909‑1911 gg.): novyye istochniki
o bor’be rossiyskoy zhandarmerii s fal’shivomonetchikami v Sibiri [Casulis of Shulim Rosenzweig (1909
1911 gg.): New Sources on Russian Gendarmerie Fighting Counterfeiters in Siberia] // Vestnik arkhivista
[Herald an Archivist], 2015, 4, pp 205-225 [In Russian].
4. «Belyye ofitsery – krasnaya vlast’»: imennoy ukazatel’ k fondam Istoricheskogo arkhiva Omskoy
oblasti (konets 1919-1920-ye gg.). [«White officers the red power»: a nominal index to the funds of the
Historical archive of the Omsk region (the end 1919 - 1920)]. Omsk, 2017. [In Russian].
5. Borodina G. Y. Vyshli v svet [They were published] // Otechestvennyye arkhivy [Domestic
archives], 2018, 2, pp. 133-134. [In Russian].

6. Varzakov I. V. Voyennaya intelligentsiya v beloy bor’be na vostochnom fronte: shtrikhi
k portretu [Military intelligentsia in the white struggle on the eastern front: strokes to the picture] //
Vestnik Permskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarno-pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Seriya № 3.
Gumanitarnyye i obshchestvennyye nauki [Bulletin of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical
University. Series 3: Humanities and social sciences.], 2013, 1, pp. 130-150. [In Russian].
7. Vasilevskiy V.P., Sushko A. V. «Strazhi revolyutsii»: organy GPU–OGPU v Omskom Priirtysh’ye
[Guards of the Revolution: organs of the GPU-OGPU in Omsk Priirtyshye]. Omsk. [In Russian].
8. Ganin A. V. Kompleks dokumentov po delu vsesoyuznoy voyenno-ofitserskoy
kontrrevolyutsionnoy organizatsii «Vesna» 1930-1931 gg. kak istochnik po istorii russkogo ofitserstva
poslerevolyutsionnogo perioda [Documents on the Case of the All-Union Military Officers Organization
“Spring” (1930-1931) as a Source on the History of Russian Officer Corps of the Post-Revolutionary
Period] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2016, 4, pp. 225-240. [In Russian].
9. Grazhdanskaya voyna v Sibiri: Materialy Vserossiyskoy zaochnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferentsii [Civil war in Siberia: Proceedings of the All-Russian Correspondence Scientific and Practical
Conference]. Pod redaktsiei D. I. Petina, T. A. Terekhinoy. Omsk, 2013. [In Russian].
10. Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii: ob”yektivnyy vzglyad skvoz’ dokumental’noye
naslediye: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Civil war in the east of Russia:
an objective view through the documentary heritage: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical
Conference] (Omsk, 12-13, 11. 2014) Pod red. D. I. Petina. Omsk, 2015. [In Russian].
11. Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii: vzglyad skvoz’ dokumental’noye naslediye : materialy
II Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Civil war in the
east of Russia: a view through the documentary heritage: materials of the II All-Russian scientific and
practical conference with international participation] (Omsk, 25-26 10. 2017). Ministerstvo kultury
Omskoi oblasti, BU IsA, Ministerstvo obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiskoi Federatsii, OmGTU; [redkoll.: D. I.
Petin (otv. red. i dr.)]. Omsk: OmGTU, 2017. [In Russian].
12. Deyatel’nost’ otechestvennykh spetssluzhb v epokhu sotsial’nykh kataklizmov : materialy
Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Activities of Russian special services in the era
of social cataclysms: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference] (Omsk, 25-26.
10.2017). Redkoll.: A. V. Sushko (otv. red.) i dr. Omsk, 2017. [In Russian].
13. Zdanovich A. A. Organy gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti i Krasnaya armiya: Deyatel’nost’
organov VCHK-OGPU po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti RKKA (1921-1934) [Institutions of State
Security and the Red Army: The activities of the Cheka-OGPU organs to ensure the security of the Red
Army (1921-1934)]. M., 2008. [In Russian].
14. Kavtaradze A. G. Voyennyye spetsialisty na sluzhbe Respubliki Sovetov 1917-1920 gg. [Military
specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets of 1917-1920]. M., 2008. [In Russian].
15. Kaminskiy V.V., Petin D. I. Russkiy artillerist A. V. Beklemishev na sluzhbe v chetyrekh armiyakh:
opyt istoriko-biograficheskogo issledovaniya [Russian Gunner A. V. Beklemishev on Service of Four
Armies: Experience of a Historical and Biographical Study] |// Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist],
2016, 3, pp 266-299 [In Russian].
16. Kaminskiy V.V., Petin D. I. General-leytenant L. P. Timashev (1864‑1932): stranitsy sluzhebnoy
biografii [General–leitenant L. P. Timashev (1864‑1932): pages of official biography] // Grazhdanskaya
voyna na vostoke Rossii: vzglyad skvoz’ dokumental’noye naslediye : materialy II Vserossiyskoy nauchnoprakticheskoy
konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Civil war in the east of Russia: a view
through the documentary heritage: materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference
with international participation] (Omsk, 25-26 10. 2017). Ministerstvo kultury Omskoi oblasti, BU IsA,
Ministerstvo obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiskoi Federatsii, OmGTU; [redkoll.: D. I. Petin (otv. red. I dr.)].
Omsk: OmGTU, 2017. pp. 152-157. [In Russian].
17. Konovalova N. A. Obraz samoderzhaviya v predstavleniyakh russkogo krest’yanstva po fol’klornym

materialam [The image of autocracy in the representations of the Russian peasantry on folklore materials]
// Vestnik Omskogo universiteta [Herald of Omsk University.], 2007, 4, pp. 122-127. [In Russian].
18. Konovalova N. A. «Tsarov khleb yesh’, a pravdu rezh’»: o vozmozhnosti krest’yanskogo
bunta protiv tsarya // «Eat bread, and cut the truth»: about the possibility of a peasant rebellion
against the tsar // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta [Herald of Omsk University], 2008, 33, pp. 97-103.
[In Russian].
19. Konovalova N. A. Russkiy krest’yanin i tsar’: dva personazha raznykh narrativov [Russian
peasant and tsar: two characters of different narratives] // Mir istorika. Istoriograficheskiy sbornik.
Federal’noye agentstvo po obrazovaniyu, OmGU im. F. M. Dostoyevskogo, Omskoye otdeleniye ROII
[The World of the Historian. Historiographical collection. Federal Agency for Education, Omsk State
University. FM Dostoyevsky, Omsk Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Omsk, 2013. pp.
209-225. [In Russian].
20. Konovalova N. A. Ob izuchenii problemy oskorbleniya krest’yanami Osoby Gosudarya
Imperatora v nachale XX veka [Оn the problem of peasants’ insults of the person of the sovereign
emperor at the beginning of the XX century] // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta [Herald of Omsk University],
2014, 1, pp. 42-47. [In Russian].
21. Konovalova N.A., Stelmak M. M. Novoye dokumental’noye izdaniye Istoricheskogo arkhiva
Omskoy oblasti [A new documentary edition of the Historical Archives of the Omsk Region] //
Otechestvennyye arkhivy [Domestic archives], 2014, 5, pp. 136-138. [In Russian].
22. Kniga ucheta lits sostoyavshikh na osobom uchete byvshikh belykh ofitserov v organakh GPU
Ukrainy [The book of registration of persons who were on the special account of former white officers
in the bodies of the GPU of Ukraine]. Avt. predisl. Y. U. Tinchenko. Khar’kov. 2011 2012. [In Russian].
23. Petin D. I. Denezhno-emissionnaya politika sovetskoy vlasti i antibol’shevistskikh rezhimov
v Sibiri (oktyabr 1917 – noyabr 1920 gg.) [The money-emission policy of the Soviet government and
anti-Bolshevik regimes in Siberia (October 1917 - November 1920)]. Diss. ... cand. east. sciences.
07.00.02. Omsk, 2011. [In Russian].
24. Petin D. I., Yefremova Yu. N. Istochnikovyy potentsial semeynykh arkhivov v rekonstruktsii
biografii i genealogii uchastnika Grazhdanskoy voyny. Na primere arkhiva sem’i Abramovykh. Pervaya
polovina XX v. [The source potential of family archives for reconstruction of biography and genealogy
of the Civil War participant. On an example of Abramov`s family archive] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an
Archivist], 2013, 1, pp. 217-231. [In Russian].
25. Petin D.I., Konovalova N. A. «Damanskiy: chest’ i doblest’» [«Damansky: honor and valor»] //
Otechestvennyye arkhivy [Domestic archives], 2014, 3, pp. 128. [In Russian].
26. Petin D. I. Dokumenty Istoricheskogo arkhiva Omskoy oblasti o pechatanii bon Omskoy
i Tomskoy zheleznykh dorog [Historical Archive’s of Omsk region documents on printing of bonds of
Omskaya and Tomskaya railroads] // Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], 2013, 1,
pp. 284-291. [In Russian].
27. Petin D. I. «Neobkhodimost’ v obrazovanii takovogo upravleniya v nastoyashcheye vremya
yavlyayetsya krayne nastoyatel’noy…»: dokumenty Istoricheskogo arkhiva Omskoy oblasti o sozdanii
Gosudarstvennogo Banka Sibiri v 1918 g. [State Bank of Siberia Establishment in 1918 (based on the
documents from Omsk region Historical Archive)] // Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of
Russia], 2014, 1 pp. 265-274. [In Russian].
28. Petin D. I. Biograficheskiye istochniki v prakticheskoy genealogii: na primere sud’by kadrovogo
ofitsera russkoy imperatorskoy armii P. P. Mozera [Biographical sources in practical genealogy: the
example of human destiny Russian imperial army officer P. P. Mozer] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an
Archivist], 2014, 2, 294-312. [In Russian].
29. Petin D. I. «Sibirskiy» kaznacheyskiy znak nominalom pyat’ rubley: istoriya poyavleniya skvoz’
prizmu arkhivnykh dokumentov [«Siberian» treasury bills nominal value of five roubles: story appears

in the light of archival documents] // Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], 2015,
1 pp. 210-220. [In Russian].
30. Petin D. I. Vsevolod Ossovskiy: byvshiy belyy ofitser v sovetskoy Rossii [Vsevolod Ossowsky: Ex-White
Guard Officer in Soviet Russia] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2015, 3, pp. 288-306. [In Russian].
31. Petin D. I. Dokumenty Vremennogo pravitel’stva avtonomnoy Sibiri o khozhdenii voyennykh
deneg Sibirskoy ekspeditsii yaponskikh voysk [Documents of Provisional Government of Autonomous
Siberia about eating military money Siberian expedition of Japanese troops’] // Noveyshaya istoriya
Rossii [Modern History of Russia], 2015, 3 pp. 236-246. [In Russian].
32. Petin D. I. Nikolay Batyushkin: biograficheskiye istochniki v rekonstruktsii zhiznennogo puti
kharbinskogo beloemigranta [Nicolai Batyushkin: Biographical sources to reconstruct of the life
a Harbin white émigré] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2016, 2, pp. 249-282. [In Russian].
33. Petin D. I. «Lyudyam trudovogo naroda nechego boyat’sya utraty bumazhek, stavshikh
nenuzhnymi»: k voprosu ob annulyatsii belogvardeyskikh denezhnykh znakov v Sibiri [«Working
People Must Not Fear the Loss of Paper, that Became Unnecessary»: The Cancellation of Banknotes
of ‘Whites’ in Siberia (Autumn 1919-1920)] // Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia],
2016, 3 pp. 27-40. [In Russian].
34. Petin D. I. Nikolay Rogozin: ofitser–denikinets v usloviyakh sovetskoy Rossii [Nikolai Rogozin:
An Officer of the Denikin’s Army in Soviet Russia] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2017, 1,
114-138. [In Russian].
35. Petin D.I., Kaminskiy V. V. General–mayor Genshtaba N. N. Artamonov (1872‑1937): biografiya
skvoz’ prizmu novykh istochnikov [General-Major of the General Staff N. N. Artamonov (1872-1937):
A Biography in Light of New Sources] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2017, 3, 274-300.
[In Russian].
36. Petin D. I. «Tol’ko zhivoye slovo na meste sposobno skoreye sdvinut’ etot vopros s mertvoy
tochki…»: Polozheniye Ekspeditsii zagotovleniya gosudarstvennykh bumag v Irkutske v nachale
1920 g. [Situation in the Department of State Securities Production in Irkutsk in the Beginning of 1920s]
// Noveyshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], 2017, 3 pp. 256-270. [In Russian].
37. Petin D. I. Lichnoye delo litsa, lishennogo izbiratel’nykh prav, kak informatsionnyy kompleks
v prakticheskoy genealogii (na primere sud’by kadrovogo ofitsera Russkoy imperatorskoy armii M.
K. Gombinskogo) [The personal file of person deprived of electoral rights as information complex in
practical genealogy (for example, the fate of the Imperial Russian Army officer M. K. Gombinskiy)]
// Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik. Seriya: Obshchestvo. Istoriya. Sovremennost [Omsk Scientific Bulletin.
Series: Society. History. Modernity.], 2017, 3, pp. 22-26. [In Russian].
38. Petin D. I. «Yest’ u revolyutsii nachalo…»: start mezhmuzeynogo proyekta v Krasnoyarske
[«The Revolution has started...»: The start of the Inter-museum] // Severnyye arkhivy i ekspeditsii
[Northern archives and expeditions], 2017, 2, pp. 89-92. [In Russian].
39. Petin D. I. Emissiya denezhnykh surrogatov sovetskoy vlast’yu v Kyakhte letom 1918 g.
[Emission of money surrogates by Soviet authorities in Kiakhta in summer 1918] // Vestnik Tomskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya [Bulletin of Tomsk State University. History], 2017, 47, pp. 59-
64. [In Russian].
40. Petin D I. K voprosu ob informatsionnom potentsiale dokumentov organov VCHK–GPU–OGPU
po osobomu uchotu byvshikh belykh [To the question of information potential documents of the bodies
of the VCHKH-GPU-OGPU on special accounting of the ex-white] // Deyatel’nost’ otechestvennykh
spetssluzhb v epokhu sotsial’nykh kataklizmov : materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferentsii [Activities of Russian special services in the era of social cataclysms: materials of the
International Scientific and Practical Conference] (Omsk, 25-26. 10.2017). Redkoll.: A. V. Sushko (otv.
red.) I dr. Omsk, 2017. pp. 145-155 [In Russian].
41. Petin D. I. Omskiye arkhivisty – 100-letiyu obrazovaniya VCHK [Omsk archivists - the 100th

anniversary of the formation of the VCHK] // Otechestvennyye arkhivy [Domestic archives], 2018, 1,
pp. 121-122. [In Russian].
42. Petin D. I. Inostrannye soyuzniki sibirskogo antibol’shevistskogo dvizheniya i puti resheniya
nacional’nogo valyutnogo voprosa letom 1918 g.: vzglyad skvoz’ prizmu analiticheskoj zapiski [Foreign
Allies Siberian Anti-Bolshevik Movement and Solutions National Monetary Affairs in Summer 1918: The
Light Research Note] // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoricheskie nauki» [Herald of Omsk
University. Series “Historical Studies”], 2018, 1, pp. 264‑271.
43. Petin D.I., Konovalova N. A. Byvshiye belyye ofitsery v zerkale massovykh dokumentov pervykh
let sovetskoy vlasti [Former white officers in the mirror of mass documents of the first years of soviet
power] // Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii: ob”yektivnyy vzglyad skvoz’ dokumental’noye
naslediye: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Civil war in the east of Russia:
an objective view through the documentary heritage: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical
Conference] (Omsk, 12-13, 11. 2014) Pod red. D. I. Petina. Omsk, 2015. pp. 125-131 [In Russian].
44. Petin D. I., Stel’mak M. M. Antibol’shevistskiy Omsk v 1919 g.: istochnikovedcheskiy analiz
kinokhroniki frantsuzskikh interventov [Anti-Bolshevik Omsk in 1919: A source study analysis of the
French Intervention newsreels. In Russ] // Vestnik arkhivista [Herald an Archivist], 2018, 1, 48-64.
[In Russian].
45. Pomytkina V. L. Organizatsiya i funktsionirovaniye sistemy detskikh domov v Tarskom uyezde
(nachalo 1920-kh gg.) [Organization and functioning of the system of children’s homes in the Tarski Uyezd
(early 1920)] // Vaganovskiye chteniya: Materialy VII regional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii,
posvyashchennoy 420-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya g. Tara [Vaganovsky readings: Proceedings of the VII
regional scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 420th anniversary of the foundation of the
city of Tara] (Tara, 14-15, 03. 2014). Omsk, 2014. pp. 119-126. [In Russian].
46. Pomytkina V. L. Iz istorii zdravookhraneniya v Tare i Tarskom uyezde v 1919‑1921 gg. [From
the history of health in Tara and Tarski uyezd in 1919-1921] // Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke
Rossii: ob”yektivnyy vzglyad skvoz’ dokumental’noye naslediye: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchnoprakticheskoy
konferentsii [Civil war in the east of Russia: an objective view through the documentary
heritage: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference] (Omsk, 12-13, 11. 2014) Pod
red. D. I. Petina. Omsk, 2015. pp. 132-136 [In Russian].
47. Pomytkina V. L. Organizatsiya doshkol’nogo vospitaniya v Tarskom uyezde v nachale 1920-kh
godov [The organization of preschool education in the Tarski Uyezd in the early 1920] // Materialy VI II
regional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Vaganovskiye chteniya», posvyashchennoy 85-letiyu
so dnya osnovaniya Tarskogo byuro krayevedeniya [Materials of the VIII Regional Scientific and Practical
Conference “Vaganovsky Readings”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Tarsky
Regional Studies Bureau (Tara, 11-12, 03 2016).] Omsk, 2016. pp. 27-32. [In Russian].
48. Pomytkina V. L. O vvedenii vseobshchey trudovoy povinnosti v g. Tare v 1919-1921 gg.
[On introduction of universal labor office in Tare in 1919-1921] // Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke
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Правильная ссылка на статью
Алексеева О. А., Журавлев Е. Н., Сушко А. В. Рецензия: «“Белые офицеры – красная
власть”: именной указатель к фондам Исторического архива Омской области (конец 1919 г. –
1920-е гг.)» – Омск, «Амфора», 2017. // Северные Архивы и Экспедиции. – 2018. – T. 2. – № 3. –
С. 44-55.

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