УДК 364.6 (571.51)
Основные направления исследований по городской среде Красноярска
Смолина Майя Гавриловна,
Сертакова Екатерина Анатольевна
Сибирский федеральный университет
Обзор научной литературы по городской среде города Красноярска проводится с определением основных направлений исследования данной темы, анализом репрезентативных научных публикаций, отражающих фиксацию характеристик и динамику изменения среды. Результатом стал анализ свыше 50 источников, включая прикладные проекты и результаты опросов жителей и экспертов. Областью применения результатов статьи является исследование в рамках проекта РФФИ по городским трансформациям Красноярска с 1990-2010 гг. В результате определено, что современные исследования Красноярска проходят по следующим направлениям: результаты диагностики по определению уровня экологической благополучности города, мониторинги общественного мнения и исследования причин миграций образованной молодежи, а также эстетическая критика территории, каталогизация историко-культурного и архитектурного наследия, обсуждения градостроительного плана и проблемы его воплощения, а также проблем всеобщей мобильности горожан, включая доступность городской среды для маломобильных граждан. Более того, в статье обращается внимание на градостроительный замысел «города-сада» как на воплощение синтеза социальных, эстетических и экологических интенций общества.
Ключевые слова:
Красноярск, городская среда Красноярска, экология Красноярска, природа Красноярского края, архитектура Красноярска, градостроительство.
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, Правительства Красноярского края, Красноярского краевого фонда науки в рамках научного проекта: «Трансформация городской среды Красноярска в 1991-2017 гг.»;
Main Areas of Research of Krasnoyarsk Urban Environment
Smolina Mayya G.
Sertakova Ekaterina A.
Siberian Federal University
Scientific literature on Krasnoyarsk urban environment is reviewed together with the determination of main areas of research of this subject and analysis of representative scientific publications reflecting the registration of characteristics and dynamics of environmental changes. In a result more than 50 sources were analyzed, including applied projects and results of resident and expert surveys. The results of the article were used in the research carried out within the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research on urban transformations of Krasnoyarsk during the period of 1990-2010. It is established that modern researches in Krasnoyarsk are carried out in the following directions: results of diagnostics on the determination of a level of environmental welfare of the city, monitoring of public opinion, researches into the causes of educated youth migration, aesthetic criticism of the territory, classification of historical and cultural and architectural heritage, discussions of a city development plan and problems related to its implementation, as well as problems of general citizens’ mobility, including availability of the urban environment for physically challenged people. Moreover, the article deals with a city-planning design of “a garden city” as the implementation of synthesis of social, aesthetic and environmental intentions of the society.
Key words:
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk urban environment, Krasnoyarsk ecology, nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, architecture in Krasnoyarsk, city development.
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science to the research project: «Transformation of urban environment of Krasnoyarsk in 1991-2017
Antonenko, O. V. Istoriko-geograficheskie aspekty gradostroitel'stva na territorii starorusskikh gorodov Sibiri (na primere g. Krasnoyarska) [Historical and geografphical aspects of urban development in old russian cities of Siberia (through the example of Krasnoyarsk)] // Vestnik KGPU im. V.P. Astaf'eva [Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk State University named after Astafiev] 2013, 3(25), 260-265.
Avdeeva, E.V., Karelina, A.A. Tekhnogennye izmeneniya reki Enisei pod vozdeistviem faktorov gorodskoi sredy krupnogo promyshlennogo tsentra (na primere g. Krasnoyarska i ego okrestnostei) ekologiya i ratsional'noe prirodopol'zovanie [Technogenic changes in the Yenisei River under the influence of urban environment factors of a large industrial center (on the example of Krasnoyarsk and its environs) ecology and rational nature management]// Materialy Vserossijskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the scientific-practical conference], Yaroslavl', 2017, 5-7.
Avdeeva, E.V., Nademyanov, V.F. Otsenka sostoyaniya gorodskoi sredy metodami dendroindikatsii [The urban environment condition assessment by dendroindication methods], // Vestnik KrasGAU[Newsletter KrasGAU], 2013, 11, p. 199-205.
Avdeeva, E.V., Nademyanov, V.F., Maslyuk, N.V. Otsenka kachestva zelenykh nasazhdenii (na primere gazonov obshchego pol'zovaniya g. Krasnoyarska) [Assessment of the quality of green spaces (for example, common use lawns in Krasnoyarsk)]. // Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii [Systems. Methods. Technologies], 2013, 3 (19), 196-201.
Avdeeva, E.V., Poletaikin, V.F., Vagner, E.A. Istoricheskie aspekty vzaimosvyazi prirodnogo okruzheniya, kompozitsionnoi struktury i sistemy ozeleneniya goroda Krasnoyarsk [Historical aspects of the interrelation between the natural environment, the composition structure and the greening system in the city of Krasnoyarsk]. // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education], 2015, 2-2, 830.
Avdeeva, E.V., Selenina, E.A. Programma razvitiya sistemy kompleksnogo ozeleneniya i blagoustrojstva territorii goroda Krasnoyarska // Khvojnye boreal'noj zony. 2018, 34(1), 38-44.
Avdeeva, E.V., Vagner, E.A., Nademyanov, V.F., Shmarin, N.V. Gorodskie skvery - ikh rol' v ozelenenii gorodov (na primere istoricheskogo razvitiya, obespechennosti i sostoyaniya skverov g. Krasnoyarska) // Khvoinye boreal'noj zony. 2016, 34(1-2), 7-15.
Avdeeva Yu.N., Degtyarenko K.A., Shpak A.A. Specifics of Artistic Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai) Based on Artwork Analysis // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2017 10) 1294-1307.
Averchenko, E.A. Okhrana zdorov'ya naseleniya na regional'nom i munitsipal'nom urovnyakh // Sotsial'nye aspekty zdorov'ya naseleniya, 2013, 29 (1), 5.
Bobylev, S. N., Kudryavtseva, O. V., Solov'eva, S. V. Indikatory ustoichivogo razvitiya dlya gorodov [Sustainable development indicators for cities],// Ekonomika regiona [The region's economy], 2014, 3, pp. 101-110.
Chernykh, E. P., Pervyshina, G. G., Gogoleva, O. V. Otsenka ekologicheskogo blagopoluchiya territorii g. Krasnoyarska s ispol'zovaniem cheremukhi obyknovennoi v kachestve bioindikatora [The ecological favourable condition assessment of the Krasnoyarsk city territory with the bird cherry tree use as a bioindicator], // Vestnik KrasGAU[Newsletter KrasGAU], 2014, 1, 96-100.
Danileiko, V.A. Government institutions and scientific organizations and their role in the ethnographic study of the north of Siberia in 1920–1930-s. // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 6 (6), 2013, 798-815.
Dontsov, A.S., Suntsova, L.N., Inshakov, E.M. Otsenka sostoyaniya okruzhayushchei sredy g. Krasnoyarska po sostoyaniyu fotosinteticheskogo apparata eli sibirskoi [Assessment of the state of the environment in Krasnoyarsk on the condition of the photosynthetic apparatus of Siberian spruce], // Khvoinye boreal'noi zony [Coniferous boreal zone], 2016, 37 (5-6), 246-250.
Dvinskiy, M.B., Rutskiy, V.N., Pochekutova, E.N., Bulavchuk, A.M. The socio-economic effectiveness of funding for the motor roads network skeleton formation in the region // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016, 9 (8), 1916-1928.
Dvinsky, M.B., Drobyshev, I.A., Nepomnyaschaya, N.V., Pavluchenko, T.V. Smart city. “smart” infrastructure, networks and communications, // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2017, 10 (12), 1869-1875.
Fil'ko, A.I. (). Osobennosti vospriyatiya vizual'nogo obraza Krasnoyarska zhitelyami i gostyami goroda: metod dekodirovaniya [Features perception of the visual image of Krasnoyarsk residents and guests of the city: the method of decoding], Spetsifika etnicheskikh migratsionnykh protsessov na territorii TSentral'noj Sibiri v XX-XXI vekakh: opyt i perspektivy [Specificity of ethnic migration processes in the territory of Central Siberia in the 20-21 centuries: experience and prospects]. Krasnoyarsk, 2018, 138-143.
Fil'ko, A.I., Kistova, A. V. Usad'ba P.I. Gadalova v gorode Krasnoyarske kak ob"ekt kul'turnogo naslediya regional'nogo znacheniya [The estate of Gadalov in the city of Krasnoyarsk as an object of cultural heritage of regional importance], Urbanistika [Urbanistics], 20164, 1-26.
Golubnichii, A.A., Chaikina, E.A. Posezonnye izmeneniya srednesutochnykh znachenij kontsentratsij monooksida ugleroda v g. Krasnoyarske za odnoletnij period // Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie, 2015, 7 (3), (28), 98.
Gonina, N.V. Vliyanie migratsionnykh protsessov na formirovanie gorodskogo naseleniya v Krasnoyarskom krae vo vtoroi polovine 1950-kh – nachale 1980-kh gg, [] // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [], 2016, 4 (68), 28-34.
Grekov, N. I. O sokhranenii zhilykh kvartalov predvoennykh i pervykh poslevoennykh let postrojki v Krasnoyarske [About reduction of inhabited quarters of pre-war and the first post-war years of construction in Krasnoyarsk], Balandinskie chteniya [Balandin Readings], Novosibirsk, 2014, 9 (3), 209-214.
Ilbeikina, M.I. Civilizational orientation of the population of the united Krasnoyarsk krai: 15 to 60 years of age residents of krasnoyarsk city // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2011, 4 (6), 846-864.
Ivanova, G. V., Kol'man, O. Ya. Innovatsionnye podkhody v proektirovanii restoranno-gostinichnykh kompleksov: renovatsiya istoricheskikh mest g. Krasnoyarska [Innovative approaches in the design of hotel-resort complexes: renovation of historic places in Krasnoyarsk], // Sovremennaya nauka i innovatsii, Severo-Kavkazskii federal'nyi universitet (Stavropol'), 2016, 4 (16), 12-16.
Kistova A.V. Metodologicheskoe znachenie "ponimayushchej germenevtiki" Vil'gel'ma Dil'teya dlya social'no-filosofskogo issledovaniya sovremennyh sociokul'turnyh fenomenov [Methodological significance of the "understanding hermeneutics" of Wilhelm Dilthey for socio-philosophical research of modern sociocultural phenomena]// Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education], 2013, № 3, S. 450.
Kistova A.V., Fil'ko A. Usad'ba P.I. Gadalova v gorode Krasnoyarske kak ob"ekt kul'turnogo naslediya regional'nogo znacheniya [Manor P.I. Gadalova in the city of Krasnoyarsk as an object of cultural heritage of regional importance] // Urbanistika [Urbanistics], 2016, № 4, S.1-26.
Kistova A.V., Moskalyuk M.V., Sertakova E.A., Dvoreckaya A.P. Ispol'zovanie imeni Vasiliya Ivanovicha Surikova v konstruirovanii polozhitel'nogo obraza goroda Krasnoyarska [Use of the name of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov in constructing a positive image of the city of Krasnoyarsk] // NB: Administrativnoe pravo i praktika administrirovaniya [NB: Administrative Law and Administrative Practice], 2016, № 6, S. 1 – 13.
Kistova A.V., Tamarovskaya A.N. Architectural Space as a Factor of Regional Cultural Identity // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2015, 4 (8), 735-749.
Kolesnik, M.A., Mirkes, M.M. Principles of symmetry in the Krasnoyarsk city space and processes of the regional identity // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2011, 4 (12), 1727-1742.
Kolesnik M.A., Luzan V.S., Libakova N.M., Sertakova E.A., Sergeeva N.A. Specifics of siberian identity in the context of formation of the artistic concept “Siberia” in the works of krasnoyarsk artist Anton Dovnar // SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social sciences and Arts, 2017, № 6-1, S. 371–378.
Koptseva, N. P., Bakhova, N. A. Zamaraeva, Iu. S. Socio-Cultural Study of Leisure Needs and Preferences of People with Disabilities Living in the City of Krasnoyarsk, // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2012, 3 (5), 307-323.
Koptseva N. P., Kolesnik M. A. Vizualizaciya russkoj kul'turnoj identichnosti v proizvedeniyah Ivana Yakovlevicha Bilibina [Visualization of Russian cultural identity in the works of Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin] // Severnye Arhivy i Ekspedicii [Northern Archives and Expeditions, 2018, V 2, № 2, S. 81–92.
Koptseva N.P., Libakova N.M., Sertakova E.A., Luzan V.S., Kolesnik M.A., Sergeeva N. Brand-management of Siberian cities (Krasnoyarsk as a case study) // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016,. V. 6. № S5, S. 185-191.
Koptseva, N. P., Soshina, G. S., Shestopalova, D. S. Local Study of the Causes of Labor Migration in the City of Krasnoyarsk (October-November 2015) // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016, 4 (9), 824-836.
Koptseva, N.P., Zamaraeva, Iu.S., Sertakova, E.A. Sociocultural research of the cultural requirements of the residents of the Krasnoyarsk city // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2011, 4 (11), 1577-1588.
Koptseva N.P., Zamaraeva Yu.S., Kistova A.V., Pimenova N.N., Seredkina N.N., Reznikova K.V., Fil'ko A. Place management: decoding the visual image of a Siberian city // Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2016. V. 11. № 6. P. 1144-1156.
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Mirkes, M.M., Sergeeva, N.A. Codification of the cultural meanings of the krasnoyarsk street ornaments // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2011, 4 (12), 1794-1806.
Moskvich, Yu.N., Feklistov, A.G. Humanist Students’ Values of Progressive Development: Comparative Study // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2014, 7 (12), 2042-2048.
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Polishchuk, V.I. Krasnoyarsk agglomeration: idea and prospects of development // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016, 9 (11), 2803-2829.
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